Field Agent Pays You

The first app that pays you! Field Agent®
pays you to report on specific pieces of
information gathered from your iPhone.



Getting Started

We leverage the power of crowdsourcing* to connect people sitting in a
workplace (our Clients) with Smart Phone Users (our Agents) to provide useful information from anywhere in the world.
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Download and Install
the latest Field Agent App

app store download      google play store

Field Agent is currently available for iOS and Android devices.

Sign Up and Complete
your Field Agent Profile

Complete the sign up process and once you have access you will be prompted to fill out a few profile questions. Make sure you complete these accurately, they are critical to making sure you see jobs in the system!

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Start looking for Jobs Near You

From the main navigation window tap the “Find Jobs” button to see the “Job Search” page. From here you can locate jobs through the “Jobs List" or through the ”Map View." Select a job to see additional details and accept it.

Once a job has been selected, you will have two hours to complete the task.  Be sure you’re near the objective before you start the task.

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Download the Field Agent
App and start making money.

Take a look at some
Frequently Asked Questions